Enable Filter

Algolia Filter Integration

NextMerce uses Algolia facets to filter out products on the shop page. In this part of the documentation you will learn how to configure facets in Algolia to make a smooth filering expreience on the shop page.

Follow these steps to enable Facets:

  1. Go to Algolia Dashboard (opens in a new tab)
  2. Go to indices then select your index
  3. Now go to configure

algolia facets configure

  1. Now scroll down to Filtering and Faceting and select Facets

algolia facets filter

  1. Click on Add an attribute button and select attributes as shown below:

algolia facets filter

  1. Once you added the attributes, go to Facet display and select the facet you want to display.

algolia facets filter

If you followed the instructions your shop page will have all the filering options. If anything feels confusing or does not work feel free to open a support ticket we will help you out ASAP.